28 BRAAUS Merk

Second game for “Team Merk” and it was perhaps the easiest one of the competition so far for the German trio. Defending champions Brazil again did not impress but secured qualification for the next round nevertheless while Australia proved a capable opponent. Perhaps the “Socceroos” were unlucky not to gain a draw.

The match itself was an easy one to referee with most of the fouls whistled being small ones not worthy of closer consideration for disciplinary sanctions. It comes as no surprise that Merk was strict towards dissent, the other three cards given were also correct considering the tournament guidelines.

However, Merk failed to punish a case of SFP by Australia’s #13 Vince Grella after only nine minutes – the midfielder had gone over the ball and kicked Ronaldo’s shin with his studs. Merk only awarded a free kick after trying to play an advantage – a crucial mistake.

Outside the cards, no further action was needed, Merk’s style of being rather firm and authoritative could stay in the background for this one. He gave a clearly wrong corner in the second half and whistled full-time fifteen seconds too early, which earned him angry protests from Australia’s Harry Kewell – it comes as a surprise that the substitute wasn’t booked for that.

AR1 Christian Schräer shared his main referee’s easy match while AR2 Jan-Hendrik Salver was challenged more: He correctly kept his flag down during the built-up of the first Brazilian goal and can be supported in a very close offside decision in 66’ – replays weren’t fully conclusive.

Markus Merk - 7,9 (8,3)
Christian Schärer - 8,4
Jan-Hendrik Salver - 8,4
Marco Antonio Rodríguez
Leonel Leal

Brazil 2-0 Australia

Group Stage
Gelbe Karten
Cafu (29') - SPA (Tackle)
Ronaldo (31') - Delaying the Restart
Robinho (83') - Delaying the Restart
Gelbe Karten
Emerton (13') - Dissent
Čulina (39') - Reckless play


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